

Meltdown and Spectre


这里以幽灵v1为例,说明如何从lwn merge window找到具体的代码。


内核的开发流程分成merge window和 release candidate(rc)。

所以通常来说一个内核版本的开发周期是10周左右。可以在kernel.org看到最新的版本。例如下图是2018年6月23日的截图,可以看到当前最新版本是4.18 rc1。4.18的两个merge window已经结束。如果想了解4.18内核重大更新,可以参考LWN的merge window文章(参考链接1,参考链接3)。 kernel.org

从LWN Merge window找到具体代码修改

Linux 4.16 merge window part2(参考链接1)的Security-related部分提到:

Initial mitigations for Spectre variant 1 (bounds-check bypass) have been merged; see this article for details. The core of this support is a new array_index_nospec() macro that prevents speculation that might cause a bounds check to be circumvented.
The arm64 architecture has gained another set of Meltdown/Spectre mitigations. The array_index_nospec() operator is supported natively, and it has been applied in a few places in the kernel. Branch-predictor hardening has been improved as well.
S390 has also gained an implementation of array_index_nospec(), support for some new instructions to control branch prediction, and a variant on the retpoline concept called an “expoline”.

咱们来看看到底x86和arm64架构下,到底上面提到的array_index_nospec()是怎么写的。git log --oneline --grep array_index_nospec可以看到一些补丁: git_log_array_index_nospec


可以想象,体系结构相关的优化可能在array_index_mask_nospec,所以我们用如下git命令同时搜索上述两个字符串: git log --oneline --grep "\(array_index_nospec\)\|\(array_index_mask_nospec\)”,这次能看到arm64和s390相关的补丁了。 git_log_array_index_nospec_and_array_index_mask_nospec

从上面的commit id(就是左侧12位的字母数字组合)可以看到x86和arm64补丁都做了什么:

Merge commits了解一下


看4.16分支里面和Spectre相关的merge commits: git log --grep [Ss]pectre --merges v4.16


PS: 这次Meltdown and Spectre对业界有很大震动,最近的google I/O和2018年图灵奖演讲都提到了这个漏洞。图灵奖演讲具体内容可以参考笔者的笔记:2018图灵奖Lecture:计算机体系结构的又一个黄金时代:特定领域的软硬件协同设计,增强安全,开源指令集和芯片的敏捷开发



The mmap() system call supports a new MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE option. Like MAP_FIXED, it tries to place the new memory region at a user-supplied address.  Unlike MAP_FIXED, though, it will not replace an existing mapping at that address; instead, it will fail with EEXIST if such a mapping exists. This is the change that was discussed last year as MAP_FIXED_SAFE; it seems that the battle over the proper name for the feature has finally been resolved.
The way that system calls are invoked on the x86-64 architecture has been reworked to make it more uniform and flexible. The new scheme has also been designed to prevent unused (but caller-controlled) data from getting onto the call stack — where it could perhaps be used in a speculative-execution attack.




  1. Linux 4.16 merge window:
    1. part1: https://lwn.net/Articles/746129/
    2. part2: https://lwn.net/Articles/746791/
  2. Linux 4.16 Changes:https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux-416-changes&num=1
  3. Linux 4.17 merge window:
    1. Part1: https://lwn.net/Articles/750928/
    2. Part2: https://lwn.net/Articles/751482/
  4. Linux 4.18 merge window:
    1. Part1: https://lwn.net/Articles/756898/
    2. Part2: https://lwn.net/Articles/757187/
  5. 笔者的完整slide:<aarch64.me/public/documents/bamvor_slides/Recent_Linux_kernel.pdf>

