使用linode命令行工具创建和管理虚拟机(Linode cli getting started)


Linode最新的api是API V4,新的beta api安装和使用说明与原来api类似,可以参考原来的文档

  1. linode测速, 不考虑新加坡和日本容易被墙都地址,使用Linode官方测试数据的测试结果:
    1. US East newark ~10k
    2. US South atlanta ~20k
    3. US Central dallas ~10k
    4. US West fremont ~300k
    5. Frankfurt ~200k
    6. London ~200k
  2. 从下面链接得到Personal access token: https://cloud.linode.com/profile/tokens,是一个64位的16进制数字。 linode__persona_access_token.png

  3. 选择自己所需要的默认服务器配置,我一直用Linode 1GB(注意这个类型的名称是nanode不是standard 1),一个月5$。

install and configure

测试环境os x 10.13.3, 对于Linux系统除了Home目录不同,其余应该一样。

  1. 安装pip3 install linode-cli 安装后有linode-beta和linode-cli两个命令,官方建议用linode-cli
    $ linode-beta
    │ WARNING                                                                                                                           │
    │ The 'linode-beta' command has been deprecated and renamed to 'linode-cli'.  Please invoke with that command to hide this warning. │
    usage: linode-beta [-h] [-t TOKEN] [-u USERNAME] [--raw]
                       [--separator SEPARATOR]
                       TYPE CMD
    linode-beta: error: the following arguments are required: TYPE, CMD
  2. 首次运行需要执行”linode-cli configure”,填入上面的personal access token(64位16进制数字), 默认区域(5 - eu-west-1a),默认服务器类型(9 - g5-nanode-1),默认操作系统(16 - linode/opensuse42.3)。
    $ linode-cli configure
    Welcome to the Linode CLI.  This will walk you through some
    initial setup.
    First, we need a Personal Access Token.  To get one, please visit
    https://cloud.linode.com/profile/integrations/tokens and click
    "Create a Personal Access Token".  The CLI needs access to everything
    on your account to work correctly.
    Personal Access Token: (paste your personal access token)
    Default Region for deploying Linodes.  Choices are:
     1 - us-south-1a
     2 - us-west-1a
     3 - us-southeast-1a
     4 - us-east-1a
     5 - eu-west-1a
     6 - ap-south-1a
     7 - eu-central-1a
     8 - ap-northeast-1b
     9 - ap-northeast-1a
    Default Datacenter (Optional): 5
    Default type of Linode to deploy.  Choices are:
     1 - g5-standard-1
     2 - g5-standard-2
     3 - g5-standard-4
     4 - g5-standard-6
     5 - g5-standard-8
     6 - g5-standard-12
     7 - g5-standard-16
     8 - g5-standard-20
     9 - g5-nanode-1
     10 - g5-highmem-1
     11 - g5-highmem-2
     12 - g5-highmem-4
     13 - g5-highmem-8
     14 - g5-highmem-16
    Default type of Linode (Optional): 9
    Default Image to deploy to new Linodes.  Choices are:
     1 - linode/slackware13.37
     2 - linode/slackware14.1
     3 - linode/ubuntu14.04lts
     4 - linode/centos6.8
     5 - linode/centos7
     6 - linode/debian7
     7 - linode/debian8
     8 - linode/ubuntu16.04lts
     9 - linode/arch
     10 - linode/slackware14.2
     11 - linode/gentoo2018.01.15
     12 - linode/opensuseleap42.2
     13 - linode/containerlinux
     14 - linode/debian9
     15 - linode/fedora26
     16 - linode/opensuse42.3
     17 - linode/ubuntu17.10
     18 - linode/fedora27
    Default Image (Optional): 16
    Path to SSH public key to deploy to new Linodes (Optional): $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
    Config written to /path/to/your_home/.linode-cli


  1. 在默认区域,使用默认配置,默认发行版建立虚拟机(见上节说明)(linode-cli后面跟type(linode, domain, volume等)和cmd,不加type默认是linode):
    $ linode-cli create -P <your_root_password> -l linode1
  2. 创建后可以linode-cli linode list看到刚创建的linode1虚拟机逐步创建启动中,status是running就可以正常使用了,根据网页上显示的时间,我这次创建用了30s;
    $ linode-cli list
    │ label   │ status       │ location   │ backups │ disk  │ memory │
    │ linode1 │ provisioning │ eu-west-1a │ no      │ 20480 │ 1024   │
    $ linode-cli list
    │ label   │ status  │ location   │ backups │ disk  │ memory │
    │ linode1 │ booting │ eu-west-1a │ no      │ 20480 │ 1024   │
    $ linode-cli list
    │ label   │ status  │ location   │ backups │ disk  │ memory │
    │ linode1 │ running │ eu-west-1a │ no      │ 20480 │ 1024   │

    也可以登录https://manager.linode.com/linodes查看 linode__list_nodes.png

  3. 节点管理:
    linode-cli restart <your_vm_name>
    linode-cli stop <your_vm_name>
    linode-cli delete <your_vm_name>


  1. 得到ip地址
    $ linode-cli linode show linode1
       label: linode1
      status: running
    location: eu-west-1a
     backups: no
        disk: 20480
      memory: 1024
         ips: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  2. ssh连接。前面linode-configure时已经设置了默认的ssh public key,从同一台机器访问linode节点不需要密码:
    $ ssh root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    The authenticity of host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:dm3Bqb7yJIc2iWXEj2cHXhvFtBAj7RnESuhgyAzqsSU.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    Have a lot of fun...
    linux:~ #
